[Gtk-sharp-list] Combobox clear and reload
Michael Hutchinson
m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 18:38:34 EDT 2008
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 12:58 PM, henkdp <henk at bbd.co.za> wrote:
> Good day,
> I am a total newbie to Monodevelop Stetic and GTK#. :blush: I have searched
> high and low on the internet and this forum, don't know if I am looking for
> wrong key words but here is my problem.
> I want to create a ComboBoxEntry widget with employees in it, I populate it
> with values from the database, nothing fancy and I managed that. However,
> when a new employee is added I want to clear the ComboBoxEntry and recreate
> it, I don't just want to append the new value at the bottom.
> Here, to explain is a snippet of my code loading the ComboboxEntry:
> protected void LoadEmployeeCombo()
> {
> //Load the employee details
> DataTable datatableEmployeeDropDown =
> business.StartUpLoadEmployeeDetails();
> foreach (DataRow r in datatableEmployeeDropDown.Rows )
> {
> string empnumber = r["empnumber"].ToString();
> string nickname = r["nickname"].ToString();
> string trim_nickname = nickname.Trim();
> string surname = r["surname"].ToString();
> string trim_surname = surname.Trim();
> string employeeNumberAndName = ( empnumber + " - " + trim_nickname
> + " " + trim_surname );
> HTEmpNocomboboxentry.AppendText( employeeNumberAndName );
> }
> //Add this to the top of the combo entry box for when a new employee
> is needed
> HTEmpNocomboboxentry.PrependText("New - type new employee number " );
> }
> As I said nothing fancy and you can see from the code I am a real newbie!
You may need to delve into the more advanced aspects of the
TreeView/TreeModel system.
//create a list store with one column, of type string, and set it to
be our combo's model
ListStore model = new ListStore (typeof (string));
combo.Model = model;
//create a text renderer and add it to the combo box
//note that you can pack in multiple renderers, e.g. an icon renderer
CellRendererText textRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
combo.PackStart (textRenderer, true);
//map the "text" property of the renderer to column 0 in the model
//note that you can map any columns in the model to any properties of
the renderer
combo.AddAttribute (textRenderer, "text", 0);
//add some values to the model
model.AddValues ("foo");
//clear the model
model.Clear ();
These same principles apply to the TreeView.
Michael Hutchinson
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