[Gtk-sharp-list] Need help .parsing desktop files!

Mike Kestner mkestner at gmail.com
Thu May 8 22:59:45 EDT 2008

Does ditem.Save (null, true) work?  The docs on library.gnome.org say
that is how you save to the original location.

Also, is there some reason you aren't using DesktopItem.NewFromFile to
open the file?  If that's broken, please file a bug report.


On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 20:38 -0400, Alex Launi wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm having an issue parsing .desktop files, I'm not
> exactly sure how to open the file so that I can write back to it. At
> the moment I can read the file fine, getting any data I want out of
> it, but I can't make changes. When I try to save, I get an exception.
> I've included the relevant code snippets, and the exception it throws.
> Thanks for any help guys.
> [CODE]
>         ...
>             ditem = OpenDesktopFile (desktop_file);
>             if (auto_start_chk.Active) {
>                 Console.Error.WriteLine ("ENABLED");
>                 ditem.SetBoolean ("X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled",true);
>                 ditem.Save(desktop_file,true);
>             }
>             else {
>                 Console.Error.WriteLine ("DISABLED");
>                 ditem.SetBoolean ("X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled",false);
>                 ditem.Save(desktop_file,true);
>             }
>         ...
>         private DesktopItem OpenDesktopFile (string desktopFile)
>         {
>             DesktopItem item;
>             IntPtr desktopFileP;
>             desktopFileP = gnome_desktop_item_new_from_file (
>                 desktopFile, 0, IntPtr.Zero);            
>             if (desktopFileP == IntPtr.Zero)
>                 throw new FileNotFoundException (desktopFile);
>             item = new DesktopItem (desktopFileP);
>             // We may need to call this depending on how DesktopItem
> works.
>             gnome_desktop_item_unref (desktopFileP);
>             return item;
>         }
>         [DllImport ("libgnome-desktop-2.so.2")]
>         private static extern IntPtr gnome_desktop_item_new_from_file
> (string file, int flags, IntPtr error);
>         [DllImport ("libgnome-desktop-2.so.2")]
>         private static extern void gnome_desktop_item_unref (IntPtr
> item);
> [/CODE]
> Exception in Gtk# callback delegate
>   Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException
> to handle the exception.
> GLib.GException: Operation not supported
>   at Gnome.DesktopItem.Save (System.String under, Boolean force)
> [0x00000] 
>   at Do.UI.SettingsWindow.OnAutoStartChkClicked (System.Object sender,
> System.EventArgs e) [0x001d4]
> in /home/alex/Do/Do/src/Do.UI/SettingsWindow.cs:188 
>   at GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback (IntPtr handle, IntPtr data)
> [0x00000] 
>    at GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(System.Exception
> e, Boolean is_terminal)
>    at GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback(IntPtr handle, IntPtr data)
>    at GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback(IntPtr , IntPtr )
>    at Gtk.Application.gtk_main()
>    at Gtk.Application.gtk_main()
>    at Gtk.Application.Run()
>    at Do.Do.Main(System.String[] args)
> in /home/alex/Do/Do/src/Do.cs:line 78
> I've tried not dereferencing the pointer, the same exception is
> thrown. I've also tried opening the Desktop item like
> item = new DesktopItem
> (desktopFile,DesktopItemLoadFlags.OnlyIfExists);
> It throws the exception here: http://www.paste2.org/p/26450. 
> Thanks for any help people, I really appreciate it.
> -- 
> --Alex Launi 
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