[Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk.TreePath double free / TreeModelImplementor

David A Knight david at ritter.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 4 16:17:31 EST 2008

I have recently installed gtk-sharp from svn to play with
Gtk.TreeModelImplementor and have hit a slightly annoying problem, not
sure if it is my code at fault or a problem with gtk-sharp.

I have a Gtk.TreeModelImplementor which works with a List<T> to provide
a list view (seeing big memory savings where this works over a
Gtk.ListStore).  This seems to work great in some cases but in one
instance I have a constant problem with a double from of a Gtk.TreePath:

  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.TreePath.gtk_tree_path_free
(intptr) <0x0000b>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.TreePath.gtk_tree_path_free
(intptr) <0xffffffff>
  at Gtk.TreePath.Free (intptr) [0x00000]
in /home/david/Projects/mono/gtk-sharp/gtk/generated/TreePath.cs:160
  at GLib.Opaque.set_Raw (intptr) [0x00027]
in /home/david/Projects/mono/gtk-sharp/glib/Opaque.cs:79
  at GLib.Opaque.Dispose () [0x00000]
in /home/david/Projects/mono/gtk-sharp/glib/Opaque.cs:95
  at GLib.Opaque.Finalize () [0x00000]
in /home/david/Projects/mono/gtk-sharp/glib/Opaque.cs:90
  at (wrapper runtime-invoke) GLib.ListBase.runtime_invoke_void
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>

Has anyone else seen a similar problem?

I've attached my TreeModelImplementor incase anyone can see anything
wrong in that which could be causing this.


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