[Gtk-sharp-list] MedSphere GTK# Graph widgets

Brad Taylor brad at getcoded.net
Fri Jun 6 12:56:51 EDT 2008

Hey Aria,

> At last I found the component to make 2D lines graph in GTK# but I can not
> compile it. 
> I downloaded the sources from 
> http://www.medsphere.org/projects/widgets
> http://www.medsphere.org/projects/widgets  
> I unpacked the file but when launching the configure script I receive a
> message saying that I did not MONO. 
> The problem is that I Mono and Mono develop ce I installed them. 
> I'm using a UBUBTU 8.04 
> How to solve? 

I don't know if you've received my direct email yet, but I suspect you
need to install one more package:

sudo apt-get install libmono-dev

Unfortunately, Ubuntu splits up mono into a million little packages, and
even the pkgconfig file (/usr/lib/pkgconfig/mono.pc) comes in it's own
package.  We look for this to figure out whether we're running on a mono
or MS .NET system.

Hope this helps,


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