[Gtk-sharp-list] Data grid comparable to the data grid control in MS/VS

Christian Hoff christian_hoff at gmx.net
Tue Jul 22 01:59:25 EDT 2008

I have written a custom TreeModel to display DataTables. With this one 
it should be easy to display a DataTable in a Gtk.TreeView or any other 
widget you want. Maybe it's even compatible with the Medsphere widget. 
However, I had to make use of GInterface implementation which is only 
supported in Gtk# 2.12 (see 

Mike, how about adding a custom tree model to display DataTables to 
Gtk.DotNet? I think this could really be a useful feature since Gtk# 
completly lacks support for DataTables. I would volunteer to start 
working on it if you want.

> On Mon, 2008-07-21 at 04:11 -0700, Brett Senior wrote:
>> I have an application that I am converting from MS/VS/VB to
>> MonoDevelop/C#.  This application makes use of the data grid control
>> and I have not found a similar concept in GTK#.  Is there such a
>> widget ?  At the moment the version of MD I am running uses GTK# 2.10
>> - I have 2.12 on my machine but am not sure if this supports a
>> datagrid - as if this is the case then I can simply wait for a later
>> release of MD.  If such a widget does not exist then do you know of
>> any that can be downloaded and used ?
> <http://www.medsphere.org/projects/widgets/wiki/GridView>
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