[Gtk-sharp-list] No keypress event raised when a, b, c or any other normal character key is pressed.IS IT A BUG IN GTK#???

Chris Howie cdhowie at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 09:04:07 EDT 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:40 AM, True Friend <true.friend2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi List
> Can I override the default event handler in an instance (say an instance of
> a textview). Looking a stupid question but I am confused how can I apply a
> custom keypress event handler to a textview. Ok I know I can write a custom
> event handler for the current instance and then hook it with the
> instance.KeyPressEvent += bla bla. I am asking if I want to make a custom
> widget inherited from Gtk.TextView (in a widget library) and there I want to
> override default event handler.
> Sorry for the stupid question but I am a beginner and I do not find any
> other place to asks such questions. :D

You might want to look up object oriented design, or preferably find a
class you can take in your area.  What you're asking relates to
encapsulation and isn't something that can be answered quickly in one
or two sentences.

Chris Howie

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