[Gtk-sharp-list] Alpha channel to widget

Stojan Dimitrovski sdimitrovski at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 17:02:53 EST 2008


I've been struggling with this for a week now, it is time to ask.

I need to create a Window, with a couple of widgets inside, one of which
is an EventBox (or any other paintable parent widget). That parent
window, the EventBox, contains it's child widgets, such as a Table and
some custom widgets. Now, what I need is to give the EventBox and the
table some transparency, with color of course something like, in RGBA:
1, 0, 0, 0.5... what we now would refer to Composited backround, but the
custom widgets to stay intact, that is they should not catch on the
alpha of the transparency. They should stay the way they are.

Over the last week I tried everything I can think of. And it always
proved wrong... either I saw no change, or I saw everything black or
everything fully transparent. I even got a transparent drawing over the
whole window. Once, when I tried compiling with gmcs, I couldn't create
a cairo context with the Gdk.CairoHelper thing.

I used Cairo and plain Gtk. Nothing worked. I am running Compiz Fusion,
of course.

Can you help?
Stojan Dimitrovski
Web: http://stojance.lugola.net/
Mail: sdimitrovski at gmail.com
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