[Gtk-sharp-list] Drawing and printing pages in GTK#

Adam Tauno Williams adam at morrison-ind.com
Thu Feb 7 16:56:31 EST 2008

> Greetings to all of you. I work on an accounting project and I'm
> looking for the proper method to draw lines and characters to a
> virtual paper on screen and to be able to print the page. What widget
> should I use to do that? Ther's a widget in MonoDevelop called
> 'Drawing area', but I don't know how to use it or can I use it, at
> all, to generate bills.

I don't know anything about *printing* but the drawing area, etc.. are
pretty well documented with a fair amount of examples available.  See
http://code.google.com/p/consonance/source/browse/trunk/Gtk/Calendar/Whitemice.Gtk.Calendar/DayStrip.cs for an example that draws a calendar like http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddv5htgd_23c4spt3gj

There has been "how to print" traffic on this list very recently.
Apparently there is a sample/GtkDemo/DemoPrinting.cs distributed with
mono.  But I haven't checked it out yet.  Someone else suggested getting
a System.Drawing.Graphics object via Gtk.DotNet and giving that to

Of course another option for things like bills & invoices would be to
generate a PDF.
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