[Gtk-sharp-list] [gtk-sharp-list] Setting the parent Gtk.Window of a FileChooserDialog inside a Gtk.Bin

Andoni Morales Alastruey ylatuya at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 09:38:10 EDT 2008


I'm facing the following problem:

I have a class TestDialog wich extends Gtk.Dialog. This class contains
another class ReusableWidget wich extends Gtk.bin. The ReusableWidget contains a button
that launch a FileChooserDialog:
FileChooserDialog fChooser = new FileChooserDialog ( "", null,
FileChooserAction.Open ,"gtk-cancel", ResponseType.Cancel,

As ReusableBin extends Gtk.Bin I cannot set the the parent window of the file chooser dialog
doing this:
FileChooserDialog fChooser = new FileChooserDialog ( "", this,...

So, when the file chooser is launched, if I click on TestDialog, it
takes the focus and goes over the file chooser dialog (but it doesn't do
anything else as ReusableBin is modal). 
How do I set-up the parent window of the file chooser if it's called
inside a Gtk.Bin class?

Regards, Andoni Morales

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