[Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk# or Mono Winforms for Linux-only project

Daniel Lidström daniel.lidstrom at sbg.se
Thu Aug 21 05:34:50 EDT 2008

> From: Daniel Morgan [mailto:monodanmorg at yahoo.com] 
> If you're going Linux-only, I would say go all the way with 
> Gtk#.  It is so much better than the Winforms API.  I'm not 
> saying mono's implemenation of the winforms API is bad; I 
> just think the Winforms api that microsoft made could have 
> been so much better (robust).  But they didn't.  
> You will like the laying out of widgets so much better.  This 
> comes from a windows programmer with both winforms and gtk# 
> experience.  Trust me on this, you'll have less headaches with gtk#.

Thanks for this insight. We might have to support different form factors
and definitely different languages. So flexible laying out of widgets is
actually very important. I saw a demonstration of the designer within
MonoDevelop. It is an impressive work!.

Daniel Lidström

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