[Gtk-sharp-list] Combo box drop down width

James Fitzsimons james.fitzsimons at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 16:36:12 EDT 2007

Hi David,

Thanks for your reply. The reason I wanted to avoid going for a solution
like limiting the number of characters is because the combos resize as
you resize the application window. I was hoping for a nice solution that
would allow the drop down to take as much space as there was available
but no more.

Is it not possible to limit the width of the drop down list to the width
of the combo box?


On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 11:13 +0100, David Anes wrote:
> Hi James.
> Why not limiting the number of characters or using ellipsis when
> rendering with the text renderer?
> Regards,
> David Anes.
> 2007/3/20, James Fitzsimons <james.fitzsimons at gmail.com>:
>         Hi all,
>         I'm new to GTK programming and GTK#. I have a couple of combo
>         boxes 
>         which contain two columns, a CellRendererPixbuf and a
>         CellRendererText.
>         If any of the strings in the text column are very long (which
>         is only
>         known at runtime), the width of the drop down can grow beyond
>         the size 
>         of the screen.
>         I would like to know if there is a way of limiting the width
>         of the drop
>         down list to be the same width as the combo box?
>         Thanks for any help you can provide!
>         James
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