[Gtk-sharp-list] TreeCellDataFunc not getting pinged

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Wed Apr 11 21:43:12 EDT 2007

> > It might be easier to just come up with a different demo;  this is all
> > intertwined quite a bit -  http://code.google.com/p/consonance/
> > Maybe this is enough....
> Well, I now have this:
>     protected virtual void RenderObjectId(
>             Gtk.TreeViewColumn _column,
>             Gtk.CellRenderer _cell,
>             Gtk.TreeModel _model,
>             Gtk.TreeIter _iter)
>     {
>         Task task;
>         Console.WriteLine("RenderObjectId invoked");
>         task = (Task)_model.GetValue(_iter, 0);
>         (_cell as Gtk.CellRendererText).Text = task.ObjectId.ToString();
>     }
> And what I see is a list of empty cells.

Ah!  So I'm not crazy. :)  One should see four rows with one column,
each cell displaying "1000". (?)

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