[Gtk-sharp-list] Arbitrary number of columns in Gtk.ListStore

Xavier de Blas xaviblas at cvs.gnome.org
Mon May 22 20:20:12 EDT 2006

Hello Arthur

If i understood what you ask, i do something similar with a TreeStore

I do it like this:

public TreeViewEvent (Gtk.TreeView treeview, int newPrefsDigitsNumber)
        //sample for 4 columns

        string [] columnsString = { "firstCol", "secondCol", "thirdCol", "fourthCol" };

        store = getStore(columnsString.Length);
        treeview.Model = store;

protected TreeStore getStore (int columns)
        //prepares the TreeStore for required columns
        Type [] types = new Type [columns];
        for (int i=0; i < columns; i++) {
                types[i] = typeof (string);
        TreeStore myStore = new TreeStore(types);
        return myStore;
protected virtual void prepareHeaders(string [] columnsString) 
        int i=0;
        foreach(string myCol in columnsString) {
                treeview.AppendColumn (myCol, new CellRendererText(), "text", i++);

This code is adapted from here:

belonging to chronojump:

I hope it helps
sorry i sent to you this a few times, i was asleep ;) 

On dl, 2006-05-22 at 20:35 -0400, Arthur Turrini wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I'm new to gtk# and to this mailing list.
> What I'm trying to do is to create a new ListStore with an arbitrary
> number of columns, instead of using 
> ls = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string), ... , typeof(bool));
> I wanted something like:
> ... code begins
> ls = new Gtk.ListStore();
> ... some code
> ls.AppendColumnType(typeof(string));
> ... some more appends
> ls.AppendColumnType(typeof(bool));
> ... rest of code
> Does anyone knows how I can achieve this in a pratical non-obstructive
> way?
> Thanks to everyone!
> [ ]'s,
> ---
> Arthur Turrini.
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