[Gtk-sharp-list] DestroyEvent

Finn Gruwier Larsen finn at gruwier.dk
Fri Mar 17 15:10:04 EST 2006


Here's another silly question from a newbie!

Im my main window, I want a certain action to take place when another 
window, called uw, is destroyed.

I have this code in my main window:

private UnitWindow uw;
uw = new UnitWindow (currentUnit, true);
uw.DestroyEvent += new DestroyEventHandler(uwDestroyed);


public void uwDestroyed(object o, EventArgs args)
  statusbar.Push(1, "Unit stored.");

The code compiles, but nothing is ever written in the statusbar. What 
goes wrong?

Best regards,

Finn Gruwier Larsen

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