[Gtk-sharp-list] Custom sorts in NodeStore

Bradford Hovinen hovinen at math.toronto.edu
Tue Jan 17 19:14:44 EST 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 10:20 -0600, Mike Kestner wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 21:25 -0500, Bradford Hovinen wrote:
> > Compilation fails because a NodeStore does not appear as a TreeModel to
> > the C# compiler. If I cast explicitly to a TreeModel, then there is a
> > run-time failure of a similar nature. Is there another way to do this
> > using NodeStore?
> Until NodeStore's internal TreeModel gets a TreeSortable implementation,
> this won't be possible, you'll have to manually sort the underlying
> collection.  The good news is that the first person that does it can
> contribute their implementation for the next Gtk# release.  ;-)

Hmmmmm... I would really like to see this functionality implemented, so
I shall look into implementing the TreeSortable interface myself.
Assuming I meet some success, I shall send the patches your way.

> NodeStore doesn't implement TreeModel because NodeStore's purpose for
> existence is to hide that API. It's highly unlikely NodeStore will ever
> expose TreeModel, so it won't work with any of the TreeModel extension
> objects like TreeModelSort or TreeModelFilter.

Of course I have no interest in the TreeModel interface being exposed,
but only in being able to use a NodeStore in places where the API
requires a TreeModel.

Bradford Hovinen              http://www.math.utoronto.ca/hovinen/
Department of Mathematics     Email:  hovinen at math.utoronto.ca
University of Toronto
40 St. George St., Room 6290
Toronto, ON, M5S 2E4 Canada
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