[Gtk-sharp-list] ComboBox

Mariano Benedettini mbenedettini at ad-net.us
Tue Jan 3 08:47:25 EST 2006


Here are two functions, the first of them populates a ComboBox using as 
source an ArrayList (two columns, data and text displayed) to build a 
ListStore that is used as model on the ComboBox.

The second function is an example that populates three ComboBoxes that 
display a date.

private void ComboBoxPopulate(ComboBox comboBox, ArrayList alValuesList )
		// types of ListStore columns are taken from alValuesList
		ListStore listStore = new Gtk.ListStore( 
		comboBox.Model = listStore;
		CellRendererText text = new CellRendererText();
		comboBox.PackStart(text, false);
		comboBox.AddAttribute(text, "text", 1);
		foreach (object[] oaValue in alValuesList)
			listStore.AppendValues(oaValue[0], oaValue[1]);

		TreeIter iter;
		if (listStore.GetIterFirst (out iter))
			comboBox.SetActiveIter (iter);
	private void PopulateComboDayMonthYear(ComboBox cbDay, ComboBox 
cbMonth, ComboBox cbYear)
		ArrayList alDays = new ArrayList();
		for (int i = 1; i<32; i++)
			object[] values = {i, i.ToString() };
		ArrayList alMonths = new ArrayList();
		for (int i = 1; i<13; i++)
			object[] values = {i, 
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetMonthName(i) };
		ArrayList alYears = new ArrayList();
		for (int i = DateTime.Now.Year - 95; i < DateTime.Now.Year - 4; i++)
			object[] values = {i, i.ToString() };
		ComboBoxPopulate(cbDay, alDays);
		ComboBoxPopulate(cbMonth, alMonths);
		ComboBoxPopulate(cbYear, alYears);

HTH :-)


Evgeny Pirogov wrote:
> Hello. Happy New Year!
> I need simple example for Gtk.ComboBox usage as DropDownList (value only 
> set from list, no write).
> Thanks.

Mariano Benedettini
Ad Network SA
mbenedettini at ad-net.us

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