[Gtk-sharp-list] What I've to do to register property to my custom cell Render? public class CustomCellRenderer : CellRenderer { /// My Properties public int Status { get { return(this.status ); } set { this.status = value; } } } treeView = TreeView(...); treeView.Ap

Matteo Bertozzi theo.bertozzi at gmail.com
Sun Dec 31 09:47:02 EST 2006

What I've to do to register property to my custom cell Render?

public class CustomCellRenderer : CellRenderer {
         /// My Properties
         public int Status {
              get { return(this.status ); }
              set { this.status = value; }

treeView = TreeView(...);
treeView.AppendColumn("Status", new CustomCellRenderer(), "status", 0);

 GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_set_property: object class
`__gtksharp_14_CustomCellRenderer' has no property named `status'
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