[Gtk-sharp-list] Crashes at random spots

Eric Albright albright at wesayhome.org
Mon Aug 28 03:05:39 EDT 2006


We have been experiencing crazy random crashes that give us one of the 
messages: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an 
indication that other memory is corrupt." or "Object reference not set 
to an instance of an object.". The stack indicates that it is trying to 
destroy GTK objects. Our program dynamically generates a form based on 
the data underneath and it consistently happens while iterating through 
records. I tried to reproduce this on my machine at home and was unable 
to which then led me to believe that perhaps there was a threading 
problem since our machines at work are dual core machines.

I thought perhaps it had to do with interaction with the garbage 
collector on a different thread and so I set gcConcurrent=false in the 
app.config, but this hasn't solved the problem.

Anyone have any pointers or ideas?



"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
   at GLib.Signal.OnNativeDestroy(IntPtr data, IntPtr obj)
   at GLib.Signal.g_object_set_data(IntPtr instance, IntPtr key, IntPtr 
   at GLib.Signal.DisconnectObject()
   at GLib.Signal.RemoveDelegate(Delegate d)
   at Gtk.Object.Dispose()
   at Gtk.Alignment.Finalize()

"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an 
indication that other memory is corrupt."
   at Gtk.Object.gtk_object_destroy(IntPtr raw)
   at Gtk.Widget.Destroy()
   at WeSay.LexicalTools.EntryViewTool.RefreshDetailArea(Box parent) in 
C:\WeSay\src\LexicalTools\EntryViewTool.cs:line 113
   at WeSay.LexicalTools.EntryViewTool.OnPositionChanged(Object sender, 
EventArgs e) in C:\WeSay\src\LexicalTools\EntryViewTool.cs:line 133
   at System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource.OnPositionChanged(EventArgs e)
sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.OnPositionChanged(EventArgs e)

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