[Gtk-sharp-list] Drop-down list

Victor Rafael Rivarola Soerensen (FANATICO y LOCO por Cristo) vrrivaro at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 03:19:59 EDT 2006

2006/4/13, Finn Gruwier Larsen <finn at gruwier.dk>:
> I need to make a simple drop-down list in my application. The list items
>    should corespond with an ArrayList of objects, and when the user
> chooses an item, an object variable should be set to the object that
> coresponds with the chosen list item.
> I have tried to study the documentation for ComboBox, but I can't figure
> out how to pair the ComboBox with my ArrayList.

System.Collections.ArrayList al;
string [] ar [al.Count];
//  Fill ar here somehow.
al.CopyTo (ar);
Gtk.ComboBox combo = new Gtk.ComboBox (ar);

Maybe someone can point me to a good tutorial?
> Best regards,
> Finn G. Larsen
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Jesus bless you,

Víctor Rafael Rivarola

"Por cuanto eres tibio, y no frío ni caliente, te vomitaré de mi boca."
Apocalipsis 3:16

"Porque la Palabra de la Cruz es locura para los que se pierden; pero a
los que se salvan, esto es, a nosotros, es poder de Dios."
1 Corintios 1:18
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