[Gtk-sharp-list] MS Visual Studio Support

Pavel Bansky levap at bansky.net
Tue Nov 22 10:55:23 EST 2005

I think this is the dream of many people :))
For gui design use Glade od Stetic. You can import glade file to project 
resources and than genereate design from it.

This article is nice demonstration

Gordan Bobic wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to plug Gtk# libraries into the Visual Studio Toolbox, 
> for easier drag and drop GUI design?
> I would like to use Gtk# in preference to Windows.Forms due to the 
> latter not being as cross-platform (I'm told Mono support is still not 
> complete).
> Thanks.
> Gordan
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Pavel Bánský
levap at bansky.net                        I write code...

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