[Gtk-sharp-list] error CS3001: Argument type 'Gdk.EventExpose' is not CLS-compliant

Gennadiy Donchyts don at env.com.ua
Sun Nov 20 18:45:07 EST 2005

Hi all,
 I'm trying to compile NPlot.Gtk using VS.NET <http://VS.NET> and it says
that some dlls are not CLS-compliant.
If I turn off an option [assembly: CLSCompliant(true)] in the
AssemblyInfo.cs file -
everything compiles fine.
 But I'm wonderung why it happens:

nplot.gtk\src\gtk.plotsurface2d.cs(41,42): error CS3001: Argument type '
Gdk.EventExpose' is not CLS-compliant
nplot.gtk\src\gtk.plotsurface2d.cs(54,44): error CS3001: Argument type '
Gdk.Rectangle' is not CLS-compliant
nplot.gtk\src\gtk.plotsurface2d.cs(11,15): error CS3009: '
NPlot.Gtk.PlotSurface2D': base type 'Gtk.DrawingArea' is not CLS-compliant
NPlot.Gtk\bin\Debug\gtk-sharp.dll: (Related file)
nplot.gtk\src\gtk.plotsurface2d.cs(11,15): error CS3009: '
NPlot.Gtk.PlotSurface2D': base type 'Gtk.Widget' is not CLS-compliant
NPlot.Gtk\bin\Debug\gtk-sharp.dll: (Related file)
nplot.gtk\src\gtk.plotsurface2d.cs(11,15): error CS3009: '
NPlot.Gtk.PlotSurface2D': base type 'Gtk.Object' is not CLS-compliant
NPlot.Gtk\bin\Debug\gtk-sharp.dll: (Related file)
nplot.gtk\src\gtk.plotsurface2d.cs(11,15): error CS3009: '
NPlot.Gtk.PlotSurface2D': base type 'GLib.Object' is not CLS-compliant
NPlot.Gtk\bin\Debug\glib-sharp.dll: (Related file)
nplot.gtk\src\sysdraw.cs(24,55): error CS3001: Argument type 'Gdk.Drawable'
is not CLS-compliant

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