[Gtk-sharp-list] TreeViewColumn alignment

Brad Taylor brad at getcoded.net
Mon Jun 27 12:26:19 EDT 2005


> Please help me on how to right align a column in 
> Gtk.TreeViewColumn
> My current column definitions are
> 	col = new TreeViewColumn ();
> 	colr = new CellRendererText ();
> 	col.Title = "Expense";
> 	col.PackStart (colr, true);
> 	col.AddAttribute (colr, "text", 2);
> 	col.Alignment = 0.0f;
> 	col.Resizable = true;
> 	tv.AppendColumn (col);

I believe you want to set col.Alignment = 1.0f to make the text in the
column header right aligned.

Hope this helps.


Brad Taylor
Genome Software LLC
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