[Gtk-sharp-list] [PATCH] Extra APIs for Point and Rectangle

Ben Maurer bmaurer@ximian.com
Sun, 06 Feb 2005 20:50:30 -0500

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When I was using Gdk's Point and Rectangle, I noticed the class to be a
bit lacking in terms of helper methods. This patch provides many of the
same api's as with System.Drawing for Gdk's classes. I generally stuck
to the S.D API, though made a few additions (for example, I added a few
overloads of Offset and one of Inflate).

I have not written docs, as I want to get comments on the API first. But
I will write stuff before it is checked in.

-- Ben

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Index: Point.custom
--- Point.custom	(revision 40225)
+++ Point.custom	(working copy)
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 // Gdk.Point.custom - Gdk Point class customizations
-// Author: Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
-// Author: Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@sysrq.dk>
+// Authors:
+//	Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
+//	Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@sysrq.dk>
+//	Ben Maurer <bmaurer@novell.com>
+// Contains lots of c&p from System.Drawing
 // Copyright (c) 2002 Jasper van Putten
 // Copyright (c) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen
+// Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc
 // This code is inserted after the automatically generated code.
@@ -22,30 +26,69 @@
 // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-/// <summary>
-///    ToString method
-/// </summary>
-/// <remarks>
-///    returns a string representation of this point
-/// </remarks>
 public override string ToString ()
 	return String.Format ("({0},{1})", X, Y);
-/// <summary>
-///     Point Constructor
-/// </summary>
-/// <remarks>
-///     Constructs a new Point with the specified
-///     coordinates.
-/// </remarks>
 public Point (int x, int y)
-       this.X = x;
-       this.Y = y;
+	this.X = x;
+	this.Y = y;
+public Point (Size sz)
+	this.X = sz.Width;
+	this.Y = sz.Height;
+public override bool Equals (object o)
+	if (!(o is Point))
+		return false;
+	return (this == (Point) o);
+public override int GetHashCode ()
+	return X ^ Y;
+public void Offset (int dx, int dy)
+	X += dx;
+	Y += dy;
+public bool IsEmpty {
+	get {
+		return ((X == 0) && (Y == 0));
+	}
+public static explicit operator Size (Point pt)
+	return new Size (pt.X, pt.Y);
+public static Point operator + (Point pt, Size sz)
+	return new Point (pt.X + sz.Width, pt.Y + sz.Height);
+public static Point operator - (Point pt, Size sz)
+	return new Point (pt.X - sz.Width, pt.Y - sz.Height);
+public static bool operator == (Point pt_a, Point pt_b)
+	return ((pt_a.X == pt_b.X) && (pt_a.Y == pt_b.Y));
+public static bool operator != (Point pt_a, Point pt_b)
+	return ((pt_a.X != pt_b.X) || (pt_a.Y != pt_b.Y));
Index: Rectangle.custom
--- Rectangle.custom	(revision 40225)
+++ Rectangle.custom	(working copy)
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 // Gdk.Point.Rectangle - Gdk Rectangle class customizations
-// Author: Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
+// Authors:
+//	Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
+//	Ben Maurer <bmaurer@novell.com>
+// Contains lots of c&p from System.Drawing
 // Copyright (c) 2002 Jasper van Putten
+// Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc
 // This code is inserted after the automatically generated code.
@@ -21,20 +25,12 @@
 // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-/// <summary>
-/// ToString method
-/// </summary>
-/// <remarks>
-/// returns a string representation of this Rectangle
-/// </remarks>
 public override string ToString ()
 	return String.Format ("{0}x{1}+{2}+{3}", Width, Height, X, Y);
+// constructors
 public Rectangle (int x, int y, int width, int height)
 	this.X = x;
@@ -43,3 +39,174 @@
 	this.Height = height;
+public Rectangle (Point loc, Size sz) : this (loc.X, loc.Y, sz.Width, sz.Height) {}
+public static Rectangle FromLTRB (int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
+	return new Rectangle (left, top, right - left,
+			      bottom - top);
+// Equality
+public override bool Equals (object o)
+	if (!(o is Rectangle))
+		return false;
+	return (this == (Rectangle) o);
+public override int GetHashCode ()
+	return (Height + Width) ^ X + Y;
+public static bool operator == (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
+	return ((r1.Location == r2.Location) && (r1.Size == r2.Size));
+public static bool operator != (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
+	return !(r1 == r2);
+// Hit Testing / Intersection / Union
+public bool Contains (Rectangle rect)
+	return (rect == Intersect (this, rect));
+public bool Contains (Point pt)
+	return Contains (pt.X, pt.Y);
+public bool Contains (int x, int y)
+	return ((x >= Left) && (x <= Right) && 
+		(y >= Top) && (y <= Bottom));
+public bool IntersectsWith (Rectangle r)
+	return !((Left > r.Right) || (Right < r.Left) ||
+	    (Top > r.Bottom) || (Bottom < r.Top));
+public static Rectangle Union (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
+	return FromLTRB (Math.Min (r1.Left, r2.Left),
+			 Math.Min (r1.Top, r2.Top),
+			 Math.Max (r1.Right, r2.Right),
+			 Math.Max (r1.Bottom, r2.Bottom));
+public void Intersect (Rectangle r)
+	if (!IntersectsWith (r)) {
+		X = 0;
+		Y = 0;
+		Width = 0;
+		Height = 0;
+	}
+	X = Math.Max (Left, r.Left);
+	Y = Math.Max (Top, r.Top);
+	Width = Math.Min (Right, r.Right) - X;
+	Height = Math.Min (Bottom, r.Bottom) - Y;
+public static Rectangle Intersect (Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
+	Rectangle r = r1;
+	r.Intersect (r2);
+	return r;
+// Position/Size
+public int Top {
+	get { return Y; }
+public int Bottom {
+	get { return Y + Height; }
+public int Right {
+	get { return X + Width; }
+public int Left {
+	get { return X; }
+public bool IsEmpty {
+	get { return (Width == 0) || (Height == 0); }
+public Size Size {
+	get {
+		return new Size (Width, Height);
+	}
+	set {
+		Width = value.Width;
+		Height = value.Height;
+	}
+public Point Location {
+	get {
+		return new Point (X, Y);
+	}
+	set {
+		X = value.X;
+		Y = value.Y;
+	}
+// Inflate and Offset
+public void Inflate (Size sz)
+	Inflate (sz.Width, sz.Height);
+public void Inflate (int width, int height)
+	X -= width;
+	Y -= height;
+	Width += width * 2;
+	Height += height * 2;
+public static Rectangle Inflate (Rectangle rect, int x, int y)
+	Rectangle r = rect;
+	r.Inflate (x, y);
+	return r;
+public static Rectangle Inflate (Rectangle rect, Size sz)
+	return Inflate (rect, sz.Width, sz.Height);
+public void Offset (int dx, int dy)
+	X += dx;
+	Y += dy;
+public void Offset (Point dr)
+	Offset (dr.X, dr.Y);
+public static Rectangle Offset (Rectangle rect, int dx, int dy)
+	Rectangle r = rect;
+	r.Offset (dx, dy);
+	return r;
+public static Rectangle Offset (Rectangle rect, Point dr)
+	return Offset (rect, dr.X, dr.Y);
