[Gtk-sharp-list] Problems with TreeView

André Kuntze vision.mail at gmx.net
Mon Aug 15 17:16:03 EDT 2005

Hi Todd,

thanks for the quick reply.

Am Montag, den 15.08.2005, 13:50 -0700 schrieb Todd Berman:
> I think you need to get a Beginning C# type book.

I am reading "Mono: A developer's notebook" right now. I think it's
pretty nice and a good start. But i just couldn't wait to start with
some gtk# stuff :-)

> You need to make ListStore static as you are aware.
> However, here is why you get that nullreference crash:
> 		ListStore store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof
> 			(string));
> That code right there creates a local (to the method) ListStore.
> You want:
> store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string));

Okay, that was a stupid one. Will have better questions next time ;-)

Now i will parse the list contents into a html file and build some kind
of Index Tool i would like for university.

Thanks again for the reply.

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