[Gtk-sharp-list] Improving Gtk#
Ofer Achler
Sat, 30 Apr 2005 15:15:52 -0700
Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> As people develop applications with Gtk#, I would love to hear
>people's opinion on what we can do to make Gtk# better.
> I am posting a few ideas that we could discuss:
> * TreeView and NodeStore: Useful? Complex? What would
> people like to see there?
Like other people replied; i'd like the TreeView to use some data
system.collections that are built into .NET rather than the ListStore.
It feels more intuitive. Also, databinding would be quite cool.
> * Rendering: Gdk stinks for rendering, do you find convenient
> the code to use System.Drawing in Gtk-dotnet.dll? What about
> Cairo?
I personally use System.Drawing to draw to a bitmap then use the bitmap
with Tao.OpenGL to display fonts.
> * Do you use/need OpenGL? If you do, how do you do it?
Yes, i use it using the Tao framework and GtkGl so i can draw onto a Gtk
window. Its very nice because it works on linux and windows. it'd be
nice if this was included in Gtk# so i don't have to compile it
seperatley, but its not a big deal because of the assembly model of
software deployment.
> * What kind of samples are missing?
How to package your software into rpm form and the like.
How to use the filechooser, i can't for the life of me figureo ut how to
get a filename section so somebody can type in the file they want.
Also, i'm not clear on whether i should be using the latest and greatest
(Gtk-Sharp 2.0) or 1.0. So far, the only 2.0 feature i'm trying out is
the FileChooser. Is there any reason to require 2.0? Should i just set
the app config to allow older versions?
Thank you very much for writing and activley evangalizing Mono. I think
its one of the best things to happen in the open source field.
-- Ofer Achler