[Gtk-sharp-list] Draging text/uri from external app to widget
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 19:05:11 +0200
hi list!
i am trying to drag some link from firefox/konq into my gui, but i dont
seem to get it to work.i am messing around with this stuff all day; ok
so here's what i've tried:
textview1.DragDataReceived += new DragDataReceivedHandler (on_drop);
void on_drop(object o, DragDataReceivedArgs args){
Console.WriteLine("stuff got dropped");
also tried that with DragDataDrop, DragEnd, kinda every Drag* handler,
on almost every widget in the gui, but on_drop() never fired. i figured
i'd need to add Drag.DestSet method. i downloaded f-spot source
(http://www.gnome.org/projects/f-spot/) where it seems to work (kinda),
so i added
private static TargetEntry [] icon_source_target_table = new TargetEntry
[] {
new TargetEntry ("application/x-fspot-photos", 0, (uint)
new TargetEntry ("text/uri-list", 0, (uint)
TargetType.UriList), //i really have no clue what this does
// TargetTypeis an enum containing some lists, they dont get used before
a handler is called, still tried to add/modify them - didnt help.
Gtk.Drag.DestSet (textview, DestDefaults.All, icon_dest_target_table,
DragAction.Copy | DragAction.Move); //copy/paste from
MainWindow.cs - f-spot-0.0.2
again i tried almost every possible constelation of widget - drag*, but
no luck. now im kinda fed up with bruteforcing (this is very frustrating
by now) ;(
btw, yes - i read the tutorial at gtk.org and the mono documentation,
but i still have no clue how to do a simple drop operation. would be
nice if someone could explain how i get a widget to except drops from an
external app (any help is appreciated).