[Gtk-sharp-list] GtkToolButtons in Gtk#

Freon Freon <freongrr@gmail.com>
Thu, 2 Sep 2004 16:33:52 +0200

You can use regular buttons in tool bar. The toolbuttons are not even
available in the Windows version of Glade builder.

On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 16:08:29 +0200, Philipp Kern <phil@philkern.de> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I've got a UI designed in Glade# which utilises a Toolbar widget with
> GtkToolButton children. Is this already possible with Gtk#-1.0? I do not
> find the ToolButton class in MonoDoc and the compiler neither can't find
> it.
> They display fine but I can't connect a handler for the ``Clicked''
> event to them which prevents any use within the application.
> Thanks in advance for hints,
> Philipp Kern