[Gtk-sharp-list] Creating a UIInfo for Gnome.App.CreateMenus
Alejandro Forero Cuervo
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 09:25:52 -0500
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> Can anyone please explain or show an example of how to
> create an appropriate UIInfo object that I can pass to
> Gnome.App.CreateMenus?
I've looked further into this.
The gnome_app_create_menus function receives an array of
GnomeUIInfo structures (a GnomeUIInfo *, described as "The first
in an array GnomeUIInfo instances containing the menu data").
However, the Gnome.App.CreateMenus method receives one UIInfo
instance. Shouldn't it receive an array of UIInfo objects?
Also, in GTK+ I initialize the GnomeUIInfo objects using macros
such as in:
GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK (N_("Play"), N_("Play a presentation"), somefunc, GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_EXEC),
How should I create/initialize them in GTK#?
Yesterday I was lead to believe by Miguel on IRC that this
functionality might still not be working in GTK#. I would like
to help change that, but I would need someone familiar with GTK#
to point out where to look.
I suppose some code would need to be written to receive a C#
array with UIInfo objects and convert it to a C array that can be
passed to gnome_app_create_menus? Could anyone point me to a
relevant example and explain what I need to do?
Any thoughts on what would be the ideal mechanism to create the
UIInfo objects? (I'm entirely new to C# and .NET, started
learning just two days ago.)
gnome/gnome-api.raw indicates that it is generated from .metadata
files. Can anyone point out what .metadata files? I grep -i
menus everywhere (but sample/ and doc/) but the only references
to gnome_app_create_menus I can find is in gnome/gnome-api.raw.
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