[Gtk-sharp-list] GtkForms

Robert Brown robert@rpb3.com
Thu, 7 Oct 2004 08:31:09 -0400 (EDT)

Just my two cents, but a class that provides databinding functionality to
GTK# widgets sounds good.  Although the only way I could think to make it
work would be to brute force it; ie passing the widget, the property to
bind, the data-set and possibly a method that would tell the dataset that
the widget has updated the data.  Although not an elegant solution, it may
work.  Does anyone else have a better idea?

BTW I wouldn't mind helping out code-wise on a project that allowed
databinding to GTK# controls.


> Hi,
> Yes, GTK+ is a great API but is dificult to create
> programs that use a ADO.NET Data Providers.
> I know, theres a GNOME-DB, but is not the better
> solution for Mono  because Mono use ADO.NET model to
> database access.
> I think that theres two solutions, create new controls
> with DataBind related functionalities or add this
> functionalities to exist controls.
> What is the best solution?
> Everaldo.
>  --- Mario Fuentes <mario@gnome.cl> escreveu:
>> El mié, 06-10-2004 a las 09:42 -0300, Everaldo
>> Canuto escribió:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I'm using GTK# in some application tests but I
>> have
>> > some dificults. GTK# has implemented only the GTK
>> > functions It is not the best thing for Mono
>> classes.
>> >
>> > An example is Gtk.Combo.PopdownStrings,
>> PopdownStrings
>> > is not a Collection and is not possible to include
>> new
>> > elements in  simple way.
>> Gtk.Combo is a deprecated widget in the GTK+ 2.4.
>> Sadly, GTK# 1.0
>> wrapped GTK+ 2.2.
>> Gtk+ 2.4 introduce Gtk.ComboBox and
>> Gtk.ComboBoxEntry, MVC powerfull
>> widgets.
>> >
>> > My idea is to create a GtkForm, a colletion of
>> classes
>> > to  help a creation of GTK#, the GtkForm call some
>> > classes of GtkSharp and implement new
>> functionaties.
>> >
>> > What do you think about this?
>> GTK+ is a great API.
>> Bye.
>> Saludos.
>> --
>> Mario Fuentes
>> http://primate.gnome.cl/~mario
>> mailto:mario@gnome.cl
>> <<Se omitio la tildacion, para evitar perdida de
>> informacion>>
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