[Gtk-sharp-list] Recieving MoveHandle events

Mads Lindstrøm mads_lindstroem@yahoo.dk
Sun, 28 Nov 2004 20:24:30 +0100

Hi again

I forgot to say. I am running version of the mcs compiler and
version 1.0.1 of the Mono JIT compiler. I am running a Debian system.


Mads Lindstrøm

> Hi
> I am trying to recieve MoveHandle events from VPanel.
> However it does not seem to work. Here is the code I
> am using:
> // compiled with mcs Pane.cs
> /lib:/usr/share/dotnet/mono/gtk-sharp/
> /r:gtk-sharp.dll
> using Gtk;
> public class Pane {
> 	public void Begin() {
> 		Application.Init();
> 		Window window = new Window("Pane test");
> 		window.ExposeEvent += ExposeEventHandler;
> 		VPaned pane = new VPaned();
> 		pane.Add1(new Button("Tester"));
> 		pane.Add2(new Button("Tester2"));
> 		pane.MoveHandle += OnVerticalMoveHandleEvent;
> 		window.Add(pane);
> 		window.ShowAll();
> 		Application.Run();
> 	}
> 	public void OnVerticalMoveHandleEvent (object o,
> MoveHandleArgs args) {
> 		System.Console.WriteLine("In Pane Adjustment");
> 	}
> 	public void ExposeEventHandler (object o,
> ExposeEventArgs args) {
> 		System.Console.WriteLine("Expose event");
> 	}
> 	static void Main() {
> 		Pane p =  new Pane();
> 		p.Begin();
> 	}
> }
> I do recieve expose events when the window gets
> exposed, but no HandleMove events. Can anybody help
> me?
> Greetings,
> Mads Lindstrøm
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