[Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk.Entry.TextInserted
Sergio Duran
Sergio Duran <sergioduran@gmail.com>
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 13:18:46 -0600
I've been trying to use a TextInserted event handler for a Gtk.Entry,
but when the execution reaches the end of the method, my program
How can I use that handler? or is this the handler I'm suposed to use
if I want to add input validation on an Entry, to prevent invalid
chars from beeing typed?
this is my sample code:
class specialEntry : Entry {
public specialEntry() {
TextInserted += new TextInsertedHandler(textInserted);
private void textInserted(object o, TextInsertedArgs args) {
Console.WriteLine("Entry changed");
I pack it as usual, and after "Entry changed" the program exits.