[Gtk-sharp-list] Simple threading application that doesn't work with Windows (in Linux
it is ok)
Antonio Martínez Álvarez
Mon, 08 Mar 2004 12:57:18 +0100
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I'm having lots of problems to make a Gtk# application run ok in Windows.
Sorry, but I've attached the .cs file because it is difficult for me to
see where the failure is. I have reduced the application to be as small
as possible and added all the necessary classes inside of the file to
make the compilation more easy.
I compile it with: mcs server.cs -r:gtk-sharp -r:gdk-sharp
This is what the application does:
1.- Shows a Gtk.Window with a button inside.
2.- When the button is clicked a thread is started. This thread opens
a TcpListener and listens to Tcp port 8001 in localhost. When a string
(rece) arrives this is what I do (see 3.) myEvents.Add(rece);
3.- There is an instance of the class ListWithChangedEvent derived
from ArrayList which I used to capture the "Changed" event and do
something (myDebug1).
4.- This is what I do (myDebug1):
if rece[0] == '1' then a new instance of CHello (a simple Gtk.Window
with a button) is shown.
if rece[0] == 'z' close the thread.
Ok. I have added a comment like this: //SEE IT: in 3 places where a
code appears not to work properly in Windows, these are calls to
Threads.Init(), Thread.Enter() and Threads.Leave();
I use this event not to do the threads to make something with Gtk# (I
have heard that it doesn't work).
I promise I have been more than a week studying why it doesn't work.
Can you please help me?
cliente.cs is a simple client which is connected to Tcp port 8001 and
sends a simple string. To compile this: mcs server.cs
Thanks in advance.
Antonio Martínez
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namespace hsm_server {
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using Gdk;
using Gtk;
using GtkSharp;
using MyEvents;
public class Server {
private TcpListener myListener;
private int port = 8001;
public static Gtk.Window app;
public static CHello win = null;
public static Button b;
public static Thread th;
public static ListWithChangedEvent myEvents = null;
public static bool listening = true;
public Server () {
try {
myListener = new TcpListener (port);
myListener.Start ();
Console.WriteLine ("Server Ready - Listining for new Connections ...");
th = new Thread (new ThreadStart (StartListen));
th.Start ();
catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Exception Occured :" + e.ToString ());
/////////////////// MAIN ///////////////
public static void Main (String[]argv) {
Application.Init ();
myEvents = new ListWithChangedEvent();
myEvents.Changed += new ChangedEventHandler(myDebug1);
app = new Gtk.Window ("Learning");
app.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Quit);
b = new Button ("Press me");
b.Clicked += new EventHandler (onClick);
app.Add (b);
app.ShowAll ();
Application.Run ();
Console.WriteLine ("App finished.");
static void onClick (object o, EventArgs a) {
Server dts = new Server ();
static void Quit (object o, DeleteEventArgs a) {
Application.Quit ();
public static void myDebug1(object o, EventArgs a) {
string cad = (string) myEvents[myEvents.Count -1];
Console.WriteLine("String received = (" + cad + ")");
if (cad[0] == '1') {
Console.WriteLine("Command 1");
win = new CHello("Hello");
else if(cad[0] == 'z') {
listening = false;
else {
Console.WriteLine("Unknown command");
public void StartListen () {
//Threads.Init(); // SEE IT: It doesn't work in Windows
while (listening == true) {
Net.Sockets.Socket mySocket = myListener.AcceptSocket ();
if (mySocket.Connected) {
Console.WriteLine ("Client Connected!!");
Byte[]receive = new Byte[4];
int i;
while (listening) {
i = mySocket.Receive (receive, receive.Length, 0);
char[] unwanted = { '\n' };
string rece = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString (receive);
//Threads.Enter(); //SEE IT: It doesn't work in Windows
//Threads.Leave(); //SEE IT: It doesn't work in windows
Console.WriteLine ("Closing socket...");
mySocket.Close ();
public class CHello:Gtk.Window {
public Button b1;
public CHello (string cad):base (cad) {
b1 = new Button ("Hello");
this.Add (b1);
this.ShowAll ();
namespace MyEvents {
using System;
using System.Collections;
public delegate void ChangedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public class ListWithChangedEvent: ArrayList {
public event ChangedEventHandler Changed;
protected virtual void OnChanged(EventArgs e) {
if (Changed != null)
Changed(this, e);
public override int Add(object value) {
int i = base.Add(value);
return i;
public override object this[int index] {
set {
base[index] = value;
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
public class clnt {
public static void Main () {
TcpClient tcpclnt = new TcpClient ();
Console.WriteLine ("Connecting.....");
tcpclnt.Connect ("", 8001);
Console.WriteLine ("Connected");
Stream stm = tcpclnt.GetStream ();
while (true){ //AMA
try {
Console.Write ("Enter the string to be transmitted : ");
String str = Console.ReadLine ();
ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding ();
byte[] ba = asen.GetBytes (str);
Console.WriteLine ("Transmitting.....");
stm.Write (ba, 0, ba.Length);
catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Error..... " + e.StackTrace);