[Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] win32 vs linux override discrepancy]
Alvaro A. Ramirez
Thu, 04 Mar 2004 14:09:50 -0500
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Content-Description: Forwarded message - Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] win32 vs
linux override discrepancy
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Subject: Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] win32 vs linux override discrepancy
From: "Alvaro A. Ramirez" <alramire@ecs.syr.edu>
To: will@xpi.net
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References: <1078345020.10090.27.camel@stella>
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Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 14:07:39 -0500
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thank you. everything worked perfectly both on win32 and linux. if
anyone needs to catch right-click events on a treeview, here's how i did
it in an attachment.
On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 17:38, will@xpi.net wrote:
> I have put the latest CVS WIN32 builds in an installer at
> http://pop.xpi.net/gtksharp/gtksharp.exe .
> This installer is similar to the .15 installer I made a while back but is
> using the latest CVS build.
> Works for VS .NET/C# Builder.
> By request, I have changed the install dir to C:\Program
> Files\GNU\LIB\GTKSHARP . But you can actually install the libraries
> anywhere you want to (I prefer C:\GNU\LIB\GTKSHARP). If you are using my
> previous installer, unistall it using the Add/Remove link and then install
> this new one.
> Don't forget to update your references in VS .NET to the new install dir.
> Also this version of the Installer has one annoying bug in it that I
> haven't had the time to correct:
> If you decide to uninstall GTKSHARP, it will remove the entry in the
> Add/Remove Programs tool in the Control Panel. However, it does not
> correctly remove the shortcut in the Windows Start Menu. Just right-click
> on it and delete it.
> I will get around to fixing that annoying bug when I have the time.
> Also for you extremely lazy people out there (count me in this group):
> I have a new Windows installer that is currently in testing with my QA
> guy. It is fully aware of Mono, MCS, VS .NET and C# Builder. So it will
> let you choose which compiler to install for. It also will grab the
> latest daily CVS builds of GTKSharp from our servers so that I don't have
> to keep recompiling the installer for new people. Then there is an
> auto-update tool that will check daily for new builds of the gtksharp
> libraries and download an incrimental (spelling?) patch for the files from
> the servers. On the server end, it builds the latest cvs builds
> automatically and makes them available for the auto-update tool in the
> installer.
> The thought was to take the headache out of using the GTKSHARP libraries
> and let people focus on just developing.
> When the newer installer is available, I will let everyone know.
> Enjoy!
> --Will Collins
> Xperience Software
> will@xpi.net
> > I've been using gtk# on linux (mono) and win32 (.net). This has been
> > working flawlessly for quite a while. Now that I upgraded gtk# on linux
> > to 0.17, the same code does not compile on .net. I decided to compile my
> > 0.17 dll's using cygwin (for the first time). Not sure if I'm doing it
> > right. Took the 7 compiled dll's and put them in my Bin/Debug directory
> > of my visual studio solution. This is where I usually put them when I
> > download them from the gtk# site and they work.
> >
> > Assuming that I compiled them correctly, I cannot override
> > OnButtonPressEvent on win32 (.net). On linux it's ok.
> >
> > I get "no suitable method found to override."
> >
> > I'm using:
> >
> > protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton evnt)
> >
> > In order for it to work on .net, I have to use ref:
> >
> > protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(ref Gdk.EventButton evnt)
> >
> >
> > Also, members of Gdk.EventButton are lower case in win32 and uppercase
> > on mono (linux) such as:
> >
> > button, x, and y
> >
> > Does anyone have the windows dll's for 0.17? I would like to try someone
> > else's?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Alvaro
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Gtk-sharp-list maillist - Gtk-sharp-list@lists.ximian.com
> > http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/gtk-sharp-list
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Gtk-sharp-list maillist - Gtk-sharp-list@lists.ximian.com
> http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/gtk-sharp-list
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=override.cs
Content-Type: text/x-csharp; name=override.cs; charset=iso-8859-1
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namespace GtkSamples {
using Gtk;
using System;
public class ButtonApp {
public static int Main (string[] args)
Application.Init ();
Window win = new Window ("Treeview Tester");
win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Quit);
EasyTreeview SubbedTree = new EasyTreeview("hello","bye","hola","adios");
SubbedTree.ExtendedButtonPressedEvent+=new EasyTreeview.ExtendedButtonPressedHandler(ObjectPopup);
win.Add (SubbedTree);
win.ShowAll ();
Application.Run ();
return 0;
static void ObjectPopup(object o, Gdk.EventButton e)
EasyTreeview TempEasyTreeView = (EasyTreeview)o;
if (e.Button==3)
Gtk.TreePath TempPath = new Gtk.TreePath();
if (TempEasyTreeView.GetPathAtPos((int)e.X,(int)e.Y,out TempPath))
Console.WriteLine("right clicked node "+TempPath.ToString());
static void Quit (object sender, DeleteEventArgs args)
public class EasyTreeview:Gtk.TreeView
private Gtk.ListStore ListStoreTemp;
private static GLib.GType TreeType;
public delegate void ExtendedButtonPressedHandler( object o, Gdk.EventButton e );
public event ExtendedButtonPressedHandler ExtendedButtonPressedEvent;
static EasyTreeview()
public EasyTreeview(params string[] StringColumnsPar):base(TreeType)
this.ListStoreTemp = null;
System.Type[] RowTypes = null;
RowTypes = new System.Type[StringColumnsPar.Length];
for (int i = 0; i<StringColumnsPar.Length; i++)
this.ListStoreTemp=new Gtk.ListStore(RowTypes);
Gtk.TreeViewColumn[] ColumnArray = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn[StringColumnsPar.Length];
int IntCounter=0;
foreach (string StringTemp in StringColumnsPar)
ColumnArray[IntCounter]=this.AppendColumn(StringTemp,new Gtk.CellRendererText(),"text",IntCounter);
protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton evnt)
bool BaseResult=base.OnButtonPressEvent (evnt);
if( ExtendedButtonPressedEvent != null )
ExtendedButtonPressedEvent( this, evnt );
return BaseResult;
public void AddRow(params string[] StringValuesPar)