[Gtk-sharp-list] Re: How to hide a widget from a glade file?

Tobias Bradtke webwurst@gmx.de
Tue, 08 Jun 2004 17:23:01 +0200

Miguel wrote:
> Hi,
> my Intention is to make a app, which can "change" widgets per button
> press.
> To get that working I choosed two frame container and added a button
> into each. If you press button1 it hides itself and button2 involves the
> area from button1. If you press now button2, button3 rises on the area
> which button1 was further. And so on.
> This is only a simple example and works perfekt with self coded Gtk#.
> [..]
> But I don't get that working with glade.
> Here's my suggestion. But nothing happens.
> Does somebody know how to handle it?
> //Source_Beginn
> using System;
>   	using Gtk;
> 	using Glade;
> 	using GtkSharp;
> public class MoreWidgets_Glade
> {
> 	bool debug = true;
> 	// Define the widgets
> 	[Glade.Widget]   
> 	Button button1;
> 	Button button2;
> 	Frame frame1;
> 	Frame frame2;

I don't know much about gtk-sharp and glade yet, but i think you you have to use the "[Glade.Widget]"-Attribute before
every Widget.
