[Gtk-sharp-list] HTML Object as Container

Mike Kestner mkestner@ximian.com
Mon, 07 Jun 2004 15:14:01 -0500

On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 15:00, Marc Lucks wrote:

> Monodoc tells me that Arg2 is HTMLEmbedded
> What am I doing wrong?

You probably need to call GtkSharp.GtkhtmlSharp.ObjectManager.Initialize
() manually.  I added a generator hack to call this automatically from
all the GObject cctors, but you may be tripping over one of the many
holes in that approach.

Hopefully we can come up with a standard [AssemblyInitializer] mechanism
like I've blogged about in the past to solve this problem more cleanly.

Mike Kestner <mkestner@ximian.com>