[Gtk-sharp-list] Problems having a TreeView inside a ScrolledWindow and using a custom Fixed

Tiago Lima tiago.lima@vianw.pt
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 17:27:38 +0000

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I'am writing a custom "Fixed" just like a vbox (I guess)... but it appears 
I'am forgetting something because the example originates an infinite cycle... 
If i use a VBox instead of MyFixed it works fine. But I dont want to use the 
"same child length" VBox does... (How can i do it with VBox ?)
The problem only appears when I have a TreeView inside a ScrolledWindow... If 
i remove the scrolled window and use the treeview it works fine.
Why ? Could this be a bug?

Thanks in advance,
	Tiago Lima

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using System;

using Gtk;
using GtkSharp;

// COMPILE: mcs -r:gtk-sharp.dll -r:glib-sharp.dll -r:gdk-sharp.dll Example7.cs

// A simple Bin class: a simple container that adds padding.
public class MyFixed : Fixed
	static GLib.GType type;

	static MyFixed()
	    // Register the type on the static constructor, so it is
		// available on the instance constructors
		type = RegisterGType(typeof(MyFixed));

	public MyFixed()
	 : base(type)
		// Participate in size negotiation
		SizeRequested += new SizeRequestedHandler (OnSizeRequested);
		SizeAllocated += new SizeAllocatedHandler (OnSizeAllocated);

	// Invoked to query our size
	void OnSizeRequested(object o, SizeRequestedArgs args)
		for(int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
			int width = args.Requisition.width;
			int height = args.Requisition.height;

			((Widget)Children[i]).GetSizeRequest(out width, out height);

			if (width == -1 || height == -1)
				width = height = 0;

			System.Console.WriteLine("Requesting size: " + width + ", " + height);

			SetSizeRequest(width, height);
	// Invoked to propagate our size
	void OnSizeAllocated(object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args)
		Gdk.Rectangle allocation = args.Allocation;

		int x = allocation.x;
		int width = allocation.width / Children.Count;

		for(int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
			Gdk.Rectangle childAllocation = new Gdk.Rectangle(x, allocation.y, width, allocation.height);
			x += width;

public class Y
	public static void Main()

		Window w = new Window("Hello");
		w.Resize(200, 200);

		ScrolledWindow scrolled = new ScrolledWindow();
		TreeStore _rootStore = new TreeStore(typeof(string));

		TreeView treeView = new Gtk.TreeView(_rootStore);

		treeView.HeadersVisible = false;
		treeView.AppendColumn("Nodes", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);


		MyFixed myfixed = new MyFixed();

		w.ShowAll ();

