[Gtk-sharp-list] Implementing CellRenderer
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 01:32:51 -0600
I'm pretty new to GTK# and C# in general. I've embarked on my first GTK#
application to cut my teeth on. I'm writing an LDAP directory administrator
geared towards centralized authentication (not a generic LDAP browser).
Anyway, I've been able to figure out quite a bit given the somewhat sparse
documentation. I've gotten a TreeView up and going with a simple text renderer.
I want to get a little more sophisticated, but I am stuck. I want to fill the
treestore with my own directory node objects instead of simple strings. For now
I would be happy simply rendering a string property of the object, but I would
eventually like to render an icon *and* label in the cells.
Is there any documentation on implementing custom CellRenderers?