[Gtk-sharp-list] Problems with GTk# on win2k
Alvaro A. Ramirez
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 15:20:20 -0500
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Subject: Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Problems with GTk# on win2k
From: "Alvaro A. Ramirez" <alramire@syr.edu>
To: Lawrence Oluyede <l.oluyede@virgilio.it>
In-Reply-To: <402FB620.60509@virgilio.it>
References: <402FB620.60509@virgilio.it>
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Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 13:53:08 -0500
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This is what worked for me, using the .net compiler. Go download the GTK
libraries from http://www.dropline.net/gtk/download.php. Install them in
the default location. Go to Control Panel => System => Advanced =>
Environment Variables and create a new environment variable named PATH
with the value being: C:\Program Files\common files\GTK\2.0\lib (Double
check this though, don't just copy it). After setting the Env. variable,
you might want to reboot your machine. Mine didn't work until I did. Go
to the GTK# site and download the following files:
There was a zip file containing these for 0.14 and an installer that
also contains these files for 0.15. For the installer, you might want to
install it in some random folder and then get them from there. I didn't
see an installer nor a zip file for 0.16. Let me know if you find one.
So, get the above-mentioned files and put them in your bin/debug
directory of a .net solution. Within the IDE, add references to these
dll's. It might not accept references to a couple such as
gtksharpglue.dll. Thats fine. Add only the ones it allows you to. You
should now be ready to run GTK# apps.
Download the gtk libraries. Then Go to
On Sun, 2004-02-15 at 13:10, Lawrence Oluyede wrote:
> I'm trying to start to use the gtk# on my Windows box but I can't
> since i don't know which environment variables or other stuff they need.
> The wiki link for beginners doesn't work... and in the mono tutorial
> there isn't anything... anyone can send me such information?
> ps. couldn't be better to put such infos in the gtk# package?