[Gtk-sharp-list] PATCH: speed up treeview and managed values
Ben Maurer
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 12:20:17 -0500
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Attached is the patch that only does the ManagedValue part. As I said
before, I am going to investigate change GLib.Value so that we can avoid
the other part of the patch.
Some profiling data:
> 19706.406 134056 0.147 Gtk.TreeStore::GetValue(TreeIter,int)
> Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
> 132340 98 % System.Collections.Specialized.TreeNodeComparer::GtkDefaultComparer(TreeModel,TreeIter,TreeIter)
> 1714 1 % System.Collections.Specialized.TreeNodeComparer::GtkProjectNodeComparer(TreeModel,TreeIter,TreeIter)
> 9393.356 134056 0.070 Gtk.TreeStore::GetValue(TreeIter,int)
> Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
> 132340 98 % System.Collections.Specialized.TreeNodeComparer::GtkDefaultComparer(TreeModel,TreeIter,TreeIter)
> 1714 1 % System.Collections.Specialized.TreeNodeComparer::GtkProjectNodeComparer(TreeModel,TreeIter,TreeIter)
This is from putting alot of values in a treeview (think, each method in
the MCS compiler), while there is a default sort function.
I just discovered that the 50% number i had given you was only with this
patch, and that it infact got better with the other patch added.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=gtksharp-managed-value.patch
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? glue/managedvalue.c
Index: glib/ManagedValue.cs
RCS file: /cvs/public/gtk-sharp/glib/ManagedValue.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 ManagedValue.cs
--- glib/ManagedValue.cs 3 Feb 2004 06:24:42 -0000 1.4
+++ glib/ManagedValue.cs 15 Feb 2004 16:54:06 -0000
@@ -17,81 +17,48 @@
/// <remarks>
/// Utility class for creating GBoxed wrappers around managed types
/// </remarks>
- // FIXME:
- // This used to use GCHandles, but I rewrote it to debug
- // some odd interactions. Since the boxed code in GLib is designed
- // to not interact directly with the pointers, just using our own
- // arbitrary pointer values is fine. Still, it might be useful
- // to use GCHandle later on.
+ // This uses GCHandles to make sure the objects stay alive.
+ // The meat of the code is implemented in C, in order to save
+ // the high costs of this stuff in C#
public class ManagedValue {
- private class ValueHolder {
- public object val;
- public int ref_count;
- }
- private delegate IntPtr CopyFunc (IntPtr ptr);
- private delegate void FreeFunc (IntPtr ptr);
- private static Hashtable pointers = new Hashtable ();
- private static IntPtr cur_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
- private static CopyFunc copy;
- private static FreeFunc free;
- private static GType boxed_type = GType.Invalid;
- [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")]
- private static extern IntPtr g_boxed_type_register_static (string typename, CopyFunc copy_func, FreeFunc free_func);
+ delegate void FreeFunc (IntPtr ptr);
+ static GType boxed_type = GType.Invalid;
+ [DllImport("gtksharpglue")]
+ static extern IntPtr gtksharp_managed_value_get_type (FreeFunc free);
+ [DllImport("gtksharpglue")]
+ static extern void gtksharp_managed_value_notify_new (IntPtr handle);
public static GType GType {
get {
- if (boxed_type == GType.Invalid) {
- copy = new CopyFunc (Copy);
- free = new FreeFunc (Free);
- boxed_type = new GLib.GType (g_boxed_type_register_static ("GtkSharpValue", copy, free));
- }
+ if (boxed_type == GType.Invalid)
+ boxed_type = new GType (gtksharp_managed_value_get_type (new FreeFunc (Free)));
return boxed_type;
- public static IntPtr Copy (IntPtr ptr)
- {
- ValueHolder holder = (ValueHolder) pointers[ptr];
- holder.ref_count++;
- return ptr;
- }
public static void Free (IntPtr ptr)
- ValueHolder holder = (ValueHolder) pointers[ptr];
- if (holder == null)
- return;
- holder.ref_count--;
- if (holder.ref_count < 1)
- pointers.Remove (ptr);
+ ((GCHandle) ptr).Free ();
public static IntPtr WrapObject (object obj)
- ValueHolder holder = new ValueHolder ();
- holder.val = obj;
- holder.ref_count = 1;
- cur_ptr = new IntPtr (((int) cur_ptr) + 1);
- pointers[cur_ptr] = holder;
- return cur_ptr;
+ IntPtr p = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc (obj);
+ gtksharp_managed_value_notify_new (p);
+ return p;
public static object ObjectForWrapper (IntPtr ptr)
- if (!pointers.Contains (ptr))
- return null;
- ValueHolder holder = (ValueHolder) pointers[ptr];
- return holder.val;
+ return ((GCHandle) ptr).Target;
Index: glue/Makefile.am
RCS file: /cvs/public/gtk-sharp/glue/Makefile.am,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 Makefile.am
--- glue/Makefile.am 29 Jan 2004 21:20:59 -0000 1.35
+++ glue/Makefile.am 15 Feb 2004 16:54:06 -0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
fileselection.c \
layout.c \
list.c \
+ managedvalue.c \
nodestore.c \
object.c \
paned.c \
Index: glue/makefile.win32
RCS file: /cvs/public/gtk-sharp/glue/makefile.win32,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 makefile.win32
--- glue/makefile.win32 29 Jan 2004 21:20:59 -0000 1.9
+++ glue/makefile.win32 15 Feb 2004 16:54:06 -0000
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
fileselection.o \
layout.o \
list.o \
+ managedvalue.o \
nodestore.o \
object.o \
paned.o \