[Gtk-sharp-list] How to remove multiple rows from a TreeStore ?
Joris Willems
Mon, 20 Dec 2004 23:58:07 +0100
//Delete some rows from a TreeStore
private void on_cmdDelete_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
TreeIter iter = new TreeIter ();
store.GetIterFirst (out iter);
while (store.IterNext(ref iter))
//Check if the Togglebox is checked
bool val = (bool) store.GetValue(iter, 0);
//if the Togglebox is checked remove the row
if (val==true)
store.Remove(ref iter);
This works but i need to click several times and I cannot remove the
first row.
I found something in Java that should do what I need but I couldn't port
it to c#.
public void removeButtonClicked() {
TreePath path = new TreePath("0");
//stop at the end of the list
while (store.getIter(path) != null) {
//remove contiguous selected rows
while (mySelection.getSelected(path))
//step ahead until an unselected row or null is found
while (!mySelection.getSelected(path) && store.getIter(path) != null)