[Gtk-sharp-list] 2 questions from a windows user
Paulo Pires
Tue, 07 Dec 2004 10:31:25 +0000
Afaik GTK# is GTK bindings for C#, and once GTK runs on Windows, GTK# is
intended to work on Windows too, so I guess that it's a crossplatform
toolkit ;) .
Now about Gnome# and Gecko#, these ones are not in the GTK# namespace.
Gecko is the Mozilla HTML rendering engine, so I guess that you may need
Mozilla to get it to work, but I'm not sure.
I'm trying to get Gnome.Canvas, which is a GTK widget that depends on
the Gnome namespace, art-sharp (libart) and libgnomecanvas2 (this is my
problem), but I'm unable to get it to work. My hacking-code skills are
really low, so I'm trying to convince Paco, once he's back from FLOSS,
to get this working on Windows.
Paulo Pires
Ter, 2004-12-07 =C3=A0s 11:08 +0100, Ben Jakob escreveu:
> Hello
> =20
> I suppose that most of the people here work in a linux environment
> when developing mono/gtk# applications.=20
> =20
> The problem for a guy like me working on a win32 plattform is, that
> all the interesting mono-apps that requires =E2=80=9Cgecko-sharp=E2=80=9D=
and =E2=80=9Cgnome=E2=80=9D,
> don=E2=80=99t run.
> =20
> My questions are:
> =20
> 1. What is primary purpose of gtk-sharp: Providing a toolkit for
> mono in Linux OR providing a crossplatform toolkit?
> 2. If its more the latter, are there any concrete plans for
> porting =E2=80=9Cgecko-sharp=E2=80=9D on Windows?
> =20
> =20
> Thanks in advance
> =20
> ben