[Gtk-sharp-list] Okay, third time's the charm (links instead) -- GnomeVfs samples

Tamara Tamara <foxxygirltamara@gmail.com>
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 04:52:16 -0800

Okay, I created webspace at Geocities (I couldn't be more creative,
it's 5am) and uploaded the stuff I've been trying to post to the
mailing list. I don't know why GMail is MIME-ing up my email and there
doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off. Both my reposts look fine in
Evolution and the GMail webmail but are messed up in the archive. So,
for the time being, just because I want to go to bed, I have uploaded
them. They are

A small patch to gtk-sharp/samples/TestVfs.cs (which unbreaks it)


A GnomeVfs sample I would like to get in gtk-sharp/samples, hopefully
to replace TestVfs.cs


If anybody has any luck with these, I'd like to hear about it.