[Gtk-sharp-list] Reusing widget in a notebook
Mario Carrión
Mario Carrión
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 17:00:19 -0600
n Sat, 27 Nov 2004 03:00:09 -0500, Ryan <rthomp@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> I have some widgets that get reused on different pages of a notebook but
> I can only access
> the data on the last of this widget that gets created. I understand why
> I just can't figure out how to get around this. To do it the long way
> would make the code for the notebook increase dramatically.
Are you adding new reused_widget-objects everytime? Or just adding the same?
> Is there an easier way?
> Ryan
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Mario Carrión
ilumina tu mente a través de la razón.
Everything starts with an idea.
Interoperability with other tools is key to success.