[Gtk-sharp-list] Installing GTK# for Mac Issues solved.

gennady wexler adyler@winisp.net
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 10:46:06 -0700

gtk-sharp works very nicely.

I get successfully compiled and running example by doing this:

mcs HelloWorld.cs -r:../gtk/gtk-sharp.dll -r:../gdk/gdk-sharp.dll

that is if I am running from gtk-sharp's sample folder.

System.WinForms are still being developed, mono web site has references to
various sources, including WINE or such, see here.


so far, I see gtk is the fastest easiest way to get on with winforms today.

On 8/14/04 6:57 AM, "SA" <phinsxiii@knology.net> wrote:

> Ok.
> I got it to build but when I try to build the sample file
> HelloWorld.cs, with the following command: mcs -pkg:gtk-sharp
> -target:winexe HelloWorld.cs, I get the following errors:
> Package gtk-sharp was not found in the pkg-config search path.
> Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk-sharp.pc'
> to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
> No package 'gtk-sharp' found
> error CS8027: Error running pkg-config. Check the above output.