[Gtk-sharp-list] task list

Jeremy Wells jeremy@olicomp.com
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 01:15:47 +0100

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I couldn't get the generator to work, so eventually I just wrote a
wrapper around the libwnck which does what I need it to do (attached)
but is by no means complete.


On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 19:52, John Luke wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 13:45 +0100, Jeremy Wells wrote:
> > ok, i found the generator readme and tried to do as it said, i created
> > an xml file for libwnck:
> > 
> > <gapi-parser-input>
> > <api filename="api/wnck-api.raw">
> > <library name="libwnck-1.so.4">
> > <namespace name="Wnck">
> > <dir>libwnck-</dir>
> > </namespace>
> > </library>
> > </api>
> > </gapi-parser-input>
> > 
> > and then ran gapi-parser libwnck.xml and a lot of numbers n stuff
> > flashes past as it runs, but then it exits with the following error:
> > 
> >  at /usr/local/bin/gapi2xml.pl line 852, <STDIN> line 1621.
> > I/O warning : failed to load external entity "api/wnck-api.raw.pre"
> >  
> > ** (process:12377): WARNING **: File api/wnck-api.raw.pre empty or not
> > well-formed.
> > 
> > it doesn't matter how i change the location of the api filename or
> > anything, it always comes out with the same error.
> > 
> > am i doing something wrong or am i barking up the wrong tree completely
> > trying to do it like this?
> > 
> You are doing it mostly right, except that the parser cannot parse
> libwnck.  This is probably due to minor coding style problems for which
> you can either patch the source of libwnck before you parse it, or add
> support for it to the Gtk# parser.
> A few minor things:
> you may want to use the gnome2.2 version of libwnck
> <api filename="wnck/wnck-api.raw"> (wnck should be a directory at
> gtk-sharp/wnck)
> <library name="libwnck-1.so"> (and then add the minor version
> to /etc/mono/config)
> _______________________________________________
> Gtk-sharp-list maillist  -  Gtk-sharp-list@lists.ximian.com
> http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/gtk-sharp-list

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Wnck.cs
Content-Type: text/x-csharp; name=Wnck.cs; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968
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/* C# wrapper for libwnck
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Jeremy Wells
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

namespace Wnck
	using GLib;
	using Gdk;
	using System;
	using System.Collections;
	using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
	public class WApplication
		private IntPtr WnckApplication;
		[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern string wnck_application_get_name      (IntPtr app);
		[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern string wnck_application_get_icon_name (IntPtr app);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern int         wnck_application_get_pid       (IntPtr app);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern IntPtr  wnck_application_get_icon      (IntPtr app);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern IntPtr  wnck_application_get_mini_icon (IntPtr app);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool    wnck_application_get_icon_is_fallback (IntPtr app);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern string wnck_application_get_startup_id (IntPtr app);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern IntPtr wnck_application_get_windows   (IntPtr app);
		public string Name
			get { return wnck_application_get_name (Handle); }
		public string IconName
			get { return wnck_application_get_icon_name (Handle); }
		public int PID
			get { return wnck_application_get_pid (Handle); }
		public Gdk.Pixbuf Icon
			get { return new Gdk.Pixbuf (wnck_application_get_icon (Handle)); }
		public Gdk.Pixbuf MiniIcon
			get { return new Gdk.Pixbuf (wnck_application_get_mini_icon (Handle)); }
		public WWindow[] Windows
			get {
				GLib.List wlist = new GLib.List (wnck_application_get_windows (Handle));
				ArrayList windows = new ArrayList(wlist.Count);
				for(int i = 0; i < wlist.Count; i++)
					GLib.Object wobj = (GLib.Object)wlist[i];
        			WWindow window = new WWindow(wobj.Handle);
        		return (Wnck.WWindow[])windows.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("Wnck.WWindow"));
		public IntPtr Handle
			get { return WnckApplication; }
		public WApplication (IntPtr application)
			WnckApplication = application;
    public class WWindow
    	private IntPtr WnckWindow;
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern IntPtr wnck_window_get_application(IntPtr window);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern string wnck_application_get_name(IntPtr app);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern string wnck_window_get_name(IntPtr window);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern IntPtr wnck_window_get_workspace(IntPtr window);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern IntPtr wnck_window_get_screen (IntPtr window);

    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern void wnck_window_activate (IntPtr window);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern void wnck_window_close                   (IntPtr window);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_minimize                (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_unminimize              (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_maximize                (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_unmaximize              (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_shade                   (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_unshade                 (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_stick                   (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_unstick                 (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_keyboard_move           (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_keyboard_size           (IntPtr window);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_minimized              (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_maximized_horizontally (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_maximized_vertically   (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_maximized              (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_shaded                 (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_skip_pager             (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_skip_tasklist          (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern bool wnck_window_is_sticky                 (IntPtr window);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern bool wnck_window_is_pinned (IntPtr window);
		[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern void wnck_window_pin       (IntPtr window);
		[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern void wnck_window_unpin     (IntPtr window);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
        static extern void wnck_window_set_skip_pager    (IntPtr window, bool skip);
        [DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern void wnck_window_set_skip_tasklist (IntPtr window, bool skip);
		[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern IntPtr wnck_window_get_icon      (IntPtr window);
		[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
		static extern IntPtr wnck_window_get_mini_icon (IntPtr window);
    	public string Name
    		get { 
    			return wnck_window_get_name (WnckWindow);
    	public WApplication Application
    		get {
    			return new WApplication(wnck_window_get_application(Handle));
    	public WScreen Screen
    		get {
    			return new WScreen(wnck_window_get_screen (Handle));
    	public WWorkspace Workspace
    		get {
    			return new WWorkspace(this.Screen, wnck_window_get_workspace(Handle));
    	public bool InTaskList
    		get {
    			return ! wnck_window_is_skip_tasklist (WnckWindow);
    		set {
    			wnck_window_set_skip_tasklist (Handle, !value);
    	public bool InPager
    		get {
    			return ! wnck_window_is_skip_pager (Handle);
    		set {
    			wnck_window_set_skip_pager(Handle, !value);
    	public bool Maximized
    		get {
    			return wnck_window_is_maximized (Handle);
    		set {
    			if (value) wnck_window_maximize (Handle);
    			else wnck_window_unmaximize (Handle);
    	public bool Minimized
    		get {
    			return wnck_window_is_minimized (Handle);
    		set {
    			if (value) wnck_window_minimize (Handle);
    			else wnck_window_unminimize (Handle);
    	public bool Shaded
    		get {
    			return wnck_window_is_shaded (Handle);
    		set {
    			if (value) wnck_window_shade (Handle);
    			else wnck_window_unshade (Handle);
    	public bool Sticky
    		get {
    			return wnck_window_is_sticky (Handle);
    		set {
    			if (value) wnck_window_stick (Handle);
    			else wnck_window_unstick (Handle);
    	public bool Pinned
    		get {
    			return wnck_window_is_pinned (Handle);
    		set {
    			if (value) wnck_window_pin (Handle);
    			else wnck_window_unpin (Handle);
    	public Gdk.Pixbuf Icon
    		get {
    			return new Gdk.Pixbuf(wnck_window_get_icon (Handle));
    	public Gdk.Pixbuf MiniIcon
    		get {
    			return new Gdk.Pixbuf(wnck_window_get_mini_icon (Handle));
    	public IntPtr Handle
    		get { return WnckWindow; }
    	public WWindow (IntPtr window)
    		WnckWindow = window;
    	public void Activate()
    		wnck_window_activate (Handle);
    	public void Close()
    		wnck_window_close (Handle);
    public class WWorkspace
    	private IntPtr WnckWorkspace;
    	private WScreen screen;
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern bool wnck_window_is_on_workspace(IntPtr window, IntPtr workspace);
    	public bool Contains (WWindow window)
    		return wnck_window_is_on_workspace(window.Handle, Handle);
    	public IntPtr Handle
    		get { return WnckWorkspace; }
    	public WScreen Screen
    		get { return screen; }
    	public WWorkspace (WScreen screen, IntPtr workspace)
    		this.screen = screen;
    		WnckWorkspace = workspace;
    	public WWindow[] Tasks
    		get {
    			WWindow[] alltasks = this.Screen.Tasks;
    			ArrayList windows = new ArrayList(alltasks.Length);
    			foreach(WWindow w in alltasks)
    				if (Contains (w))
        		return (WWindow[])windows.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("Wnck.WWindow"));
    public class WScreen
    	private IntPtr WnckScreen;
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern IntPtr wnck_screen_get_default ();
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern IntPtr wnck_screen_get_windows(IntPtr screen);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern void wnck_screen_force_update(IntPtr screen);
    	[DllImport ("libwnck-1")]
    	static extern IntPtr wnck_screen_get_active_workspace (IntPtr window);
    	public WWorkspace Active
    		get {
    			return new WWorkspace(this,wnck_screen_get_active_workspace (Handle));
    	public WWindow[] Tasks
    		get {
        		IntPtr raw_list = wnck_screen_get_windows(Handle);
        		GLib.List wlist = new GLib.List(raw_list);
        		ArrayList windows = new ArrayList(wlist.Count);
        		for(int i = 0; i < wlist.Count; i++)
        			GLib.Object wobj = (GLib.Object)wlist[i];
        			WWindow window = new WWindow(wobj.Handle); 
        			if(window.InTaskList) windows.Add(window);
        		return (WWindow[])windows.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("Wnck.WWindow"));
    	public IntPtr Handle
    		get { return WnckScreen; }
    	public WScreen (IntPtr screen)
    		WnckScreen = screen;
    	public WScreen ()
    		WnckScreen = wnck_screen_get_default ();