[Gtk-sharp-list] gtk newbie
Marco Rego
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 13:06:35 -0400
Antonio, did not work for me here. Same error as before.
Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: A null value was
found where an object instance was required.
in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Widget:gtk_widget_show
in <0x00004> (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Widget:gtk_widget_show
in <0x0001f> Gtk.Widget:Show ()
in <0x00019> MyWindow:.ctor ()
in <0x00020> TestMyWindow:Main (string[])
Thanks anyway for answering.
> Hello Marco. Take a look on the constructor.
> Your code works with a little change :)
> using Gtk;
> using System;
> public class MyWindow : Window {
> public MyWindow(string cad):base(cad) {
> this.Show();
> }
> }
> public class TestMyWindow {
> public static void Main(string[] args) {
> Application.Init ();
> new MyWindow("My app");
> Application.Run();
> }
> }
> --
> Antonio Mart�nez
> _______________________________________________
> Gtk-sharp-list maillist - Gtk-sharp-list@lists.ximian.com
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Marco Rego
Fone/Fax: (92) 648-0354
Celular: (92) 9991-9953