[Gtk-sharp-list] HideOnDelete then DeleteEvent occurs?
Mike Kestner
Sat, 03 Apr 2004 12:37:57 -0600
On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 06:39, Sebastian Vorköper wrote:
> Hello,
> how can i use the HideOnDelete() then a DeleteEvent occurs?
> I need to show a window then the user wants it and hide the window then
> the user clicks the delete button.
> I've put the HideOnDelete Method in the Delete Event handler like this,
> but this seems to be totally wrong.
> public static void on_delete_button2_activate(object obj,
> DeleteEventArgs e) {
> win2.HideOnDelete();
> }
Try marking you handler with the [ConnectBefore] attribute. It's
probably not working because your handler is getting run after the
default handler for DeleteEvent.