[Gtk-sharp-list] RE: [Mono-devel-list] Monodoc install problems

Joe Scaduto scooch@noggle.biz
Fri, 24 Oct 2003 09:18:27 -0400

On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 05:18, Jason King wrote:
> Hello, thanks for that.
> Problem is, I don't seem to have the correct folder I don't think.
> As I understand it, I need to have a folder mcs with another folder called
> errors inside it (thus mcs/errors), is that correct, or am I mislead by the
> error message saying directory not found(or is it looking for a file?).
> I have copied my mcs folder to the monodoc folder, to one level above the
> monodoc folder, and to a level above that, but it is still not finding what
> it needs.  I have inspected the mcs folder, and it doesn't have a
> cs-errors.config file, though I do have one in monodoc-0.7/class.
> I am using Mono 0.28 and Monodoc 0.7.
> My thoughts are either that something in the make process is either looking
> for something in the wrong place, or I am missing a file/folder structure.
> Jase

Hey Jason,

I had the same problem before and the reason is you need to have the mcs
source code installed.  If you installed mono from an rpm you do not get
the source code too.  This is what I had done.  What I did then was
login to the anonymous CVS server:  

export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.go-mono.com:/mono
	cvs login
	cvs -z3 co mcs 

Go to www.go-mono.com it explains CVS access there and other mondules to 
This will get you the mcs source code.  There you can see in the mcs dir
there will be a dir named errors.  Now monodoc will hopefully install. As long as 
the mcs dir is two "levels" up (../../) from the class dir in monodoc.  SO
make mcs dir on the same "level" as your monodoc dir.