[Gtk-sharp-list] Gdk.Pixbuf

Parrish M Myers parrishmyers@yahoo.com
Tue, 20 May 2003 17:49:41 -0700 (PDT)

Wow! Thank you.  I saw that "[,ID]" in the man page and had no idea
what it was for.

--- McP <mariano.cano@hispalinux.es> wrote:
> > Does not Work:
> >    files
> >       ./Test.cs
> >       ./images/image.png
> >    compile with
> >       mcs -resource:images/image.png Test.cs -r gtk-sharp -r
> gdk-sharp
> > 
> if you want use different directories you can compile with:
> mcs -resource:images/image.png,image.png Test.cs -r gtk-sharp -r
> gdk-sharp
> note: (from man mcs)
> -resource:RESOURCE[,ID]
> Embeds  to the given resource file.  The optional ID can be used to
> give
> a different name to the resource.  If not specified, the resource
> name
> will be the file name.
> And then new Pixbuf(null, ID), where ID could be image.png 
> If you want to view more code samples, see at:
>  - gtk-sharp sources
>  - my first serious project with mono: MonoTagEditor
> $ export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.es.gnome.org:/home/cvs/gnome
> $ cvs login
> CVS password: anoncvs
> $ cvs -z3 checkout MonoTagEditor
> -- 
> McP <mariano.cano@hispalinux.es>

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