[Gtk-sharp-list] cvs-gtk# again
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
05 May 2003 17:34:52 +0200
El lun, 05 de 05 de 2003 a las 16:28, Richard Torkar escribió:
> Well the previous problem seemed to be an error that happened once. When
> I re-ran make, it continued compiling but ended when trying to compile
> the rsvg sample.
> make said it couldn't find several dlls.
> gnome-sharp
> gtk-sharp
> gdk-sharp
> rsvg-sharp
> But of course they exist in the directories as they should.
> If I then try to compile it by hand[tm] I get this:
> [toor@~/mono/gtk-sharp/sample/rsvg]$ mcs /out:svghelloworld.exe
> svghelloworld.cs /r:../../glib/glib-sharp.dll
> /r:../../pango/pango-sharp.dll /r:../../atk/atk-sharp.dll
> /r:../../art/art-sharp.dll /r:../../gdk/gdk-sharp.dll
> /r:../../gtk/gtk-sharp.dll /r:../../gnome/gnome-sharp.dll
> /r:../../glade/glade-sharp.dll /r:System.Drawing
> /r:../../rsvg/rsvg-sharp.dll
> svghelloworld.cs(37) error CS0122: `Rsvg.Tool' is inaccessible because
> of its protection level
> svghelloworld.cs(40) error CS0165: Use of unassigned local variable
> `pixbuf'
> Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 0 warnings
> Any ideas what's up with rsvg?
I made Rsvg.Tool public. And also slightly modified the makefiles for
rsvg and samples/rsvg. Changes are in CVS. I hope it works now.